Friday 23rd September
Mr Dedicoat the Head Teacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come to the end of week 3 at school we’ve really begun to get a full picture of what life is like at Grace Primary School and Nursery. I’ve been encouraged by children who have become more confident in themselves and the excitement they are showing for their learning. In assemblies, we have discussed some recent events in the news including the Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II as well as talk about being curious learners. In the coming weeks we will be talking about our core values of Honesty, Trust and Excellence and the three Bes that help us stay focussed on learning – Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe.
Weekly Tours
From Wednesday this week we will be opening our doors for visits from prospective pupils and their parents. We still have places for 3 Year olds in our Nursery and there are also spaces for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We also invite visits to parents and children who will be starting Reception in September 2023. Please contact the office on or call on 01449 833094 to make an appointment.
ClassDojo is now in full flow – please look out for regular updates from the school and classteachers. This is also a platform for you to communicate with the school – see below for more guidance,
Each week staff will post photos or highlights from the school day/ week to allow you to see how your child is getting on. You will also be able to get in touch with teachers with messages such as questions re the learning or short communications eg. I just wanted to let you know that my son has not slept well last night so may be a little tired today. (All urgent communications should be completed through the school office)
Staff will reply to messages as quickly as they can however please be mindful of the following:
If you message before school they will be teaching from 8.30 in the morning so may not have time to read messages first thing. (Their teaching time is from 8.30 up until 3.15). If you message after 5.00pm then they will respond by the next working day.
Can I draw your attention to the importance of attendance. The current attendance policy was shared with all parents last week and there’s a copy on the school website.
Becoming a School Governor
Later this term we will be asking parents to consider becoming part of our Local Governing Committee.
Orwell Multi Academy Trust is actively looking for people to be school governors. You don't have to be an expert in education or a parent; almost anyone can help. Being a school governor brings with it a real responsibility and a sense that you are able to contribute to the good of schools and pupils. It's a worthwhile task, but before offering to help it would be good to consider what it entails by reading our governor's information.
What qualities are needed by school governors?
- A desire to work for the good of ALL pupils
- An interest in the work of schools
- A desire to serve the local community
- An ability to work as a member of a team
- An ability to ask questions and be a critical friend
- A willingness to learn and undergo training
- Time to read papers and attend meetings
- An ability to put the school's interests above personal preferences
- An ability to respect others with whom you may not agree.
If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact:
Parking and drop offs
The road that the school is situated on (Fuller Way) is still owed by Taylor Wimpey and has not been adopted by the Local Council yet. Until parking restrictions are fully implemented can I ask all parents to be mindful of local residents if you need to drive to school and drop off children. I would encourage you to please use the drop-off bays and not the main road to park up. In fact if you can please encourage your children to scoot or cycle and use the bike/ scooter stores once they arrive at school. The school car park is for staff use only unless prior permissions have been sort.
Dates for your diary
Date |
Event |
Thursday 29th September 6.00pm |
Phonics evening – All Parents welcome (School Hall) |
Thursday 13th October |
Kinetic Science visiting the school |
Friday 14th October 1.15. – 3.15 (Invites to current parents only 3.30 – 4.30 |
Official Opening of Grace Cook Primary School and Nursery School open to the community |
Monday 17th October 3.30 – 7.30 |
Parents Evenings (For parents with children in Sun and Mercury Class) |
Thank you, for your continued support.
Mr Dedicoat - Headteacher