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Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage Rationale

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence.”          Albert Einstein


In the Early Years at Grace Cook, children learn within a safe and secure learning environment that equips them for the educational journey ahead. We ensure children are given a range of highly-engaging and motivating play-based learning experiences which enable them to become confident and independent learners. The above quote encompasses everything that we aim to provide for children as they begin their journey with us, at the age of three years old. We endeavour to offer a curriculum that is based on real life experiences, involves the child and most importantly is planned through careful assessment of their needs and interests. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework provides us with the scaffold for our Early Years curriculum and learning is planned through the Curiosity Approach. By the end of the Reception year, our intent is to ensure that all children make at least good progress from their starting points and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to have a smooth transition into Year 1.

Please read the full Early Years Foundation Stage Rationale in the attached document below.