Our Multi Academy Trust
Orwell Multi Academy Trust consists of:
- Brooklands Primary School
- Grange Primary School
- Halifax Primary School
- Handford Hall Primary School
- Springfield Infant School and Nursery
- The Willows Primary School
We strongly believe that both pupils and staff will benefit from the greater opportunities that formal partnership, through the Trust, will bring, which include;
- extending the learning opportunities and activities for pupils,
- enriching the curriculum through partnership working and shared resources,
- enabling the sharing of excellent practice in teaching and learning,
- the professional development of teaching and support staff,
- building mutual support and accountability between the Headteachers and between the Governors, and
- securing cost and resource efficiencies through joint commissioning of services.
Our school will continue to play an important part in the local community. We will remain active members of existing partnerships and will continue to work closely with the Local Authority.