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We have a comprehensive transition programme in place across the EYFS.  

Home to Nursery 

In nursery our staff visits every child in their home setting before they begin. Children and their parents are then invited in for two stay and play sessions and a parent’s meeting, providing information about routines and the curriculum.  

Nursery to Reception 

In Reception during the summer term all feeder settings are invited to a transition meeting in school to discuss ways in which they can support children with the move from pre-school to school. The reception teachers carries out visits to each setting to meet the children and discuss their development, attainment and progress with staff. This is followed with a whole week of activities planned for the new children and their families in school. This includes an outdoor session with parents staying, morning and afternoon play sessions, a half a day including experiencing lunch and an opportunity for both parent and child to meet their teacher on a one to one basis.  

Reception to Year 1 

We want the children at our school to experience a smooth educational and emotional transition from one phase to the next. Successful transition takes careful thought and thorough planning well in advance. With input from the Reception and YR 1 team a transition timetable is produced. This will contain the different activities and time slots that will be dedicated to the transition of the children from Reception to Year 1.  This will include at least one ‘moving up day’ where the time is dedicated to children going up to their new classes. SEND children have regular visits to Y1 classes at different times, e.g. break, storytime, music, with a familiar adult accompanying them.  

Assessment handover meetings take place in the summer term during when the Y1 teacher meets with the Reception teacher to discuss EYFS data. Children are discussed in detail with individual needs covered and targets agreed for children to continue working on in the autumn term. Reception and Year 1 teachers share professional knowledge and the Reception teacher takes time to explain the EYFS assessments that are in place. We aim to ensure that the Year 1 teacher broadens their understanding of the EYFS. Senior leaders and the Year 1 team discuss the autumn term planning strategies and where applicable tailor it to the needs/interests of the cohort. Year 1 plans ensure that the children gradually become more independent through high expectations of individual and group work. Activities are interactive, with a mixture of adult led and child initiated. The plans follow the National Curriculum, with challenges for the children who are ready. Year 1 teachers organise their classrooms to provide quality teacher directed activities in addition to planning for quality continuous provision. Resources are used to maximise learning opportunities and used to promote creativity, awe and wonder and to maximise the use of the outdoor learning spaces to reflect reception provision.